Saturday, October 31, 2009


It worked, all the crows flew a way!

My 43rd Revolution Party!

I have now been takin` around our great sun 43 times!
a dinner party w/Moi & Moet, Yoshimi and Captain John.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis!

"Art is Long, Life is Short"

Maikawa-san passed away on Oct. 19th.,
a sculptor & friend of mine for many years.
He was so kind too me & I miss him dearly!


having another good time with Mr. INTENSE/Seizo Terazaki,
INTENSE studio ass. Kato-kun, Hitomi, Prof. UNO, ??, ??, ??

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunset In My Beer!

Sunshine setting in my beer, good to the last drop!
moi, toi, and sachiko having a nice large sapporo
beer & coffee in Ebisu, Tokyo. (photo by our waiter)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Working Like a Dog!

gold-n-gold, more kuri-bakos painted.
Miss Tara makes works me like a dog!

Friday, October 2, 2009

3 Isei Ebi from Kyushu

These "Japanese Spiny Lobsters", fresh and alive were
flown to me for tonight`s dinner with garlic & butter!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

maestro-Hoppy KAMIYAMA

Last week a friend, Hoppy Kamiyama who is a very gifted musician
with over 200 CD to his name sent me other one of his many CDs.

 and then yesterday, his latest came in the mail too!
check out Hoppy`s HP- 
both CDs are excellent vibrations-Thanks  H O P P Y !